Great credit scores don’t just happen by accident. Begin with a master plan personally tailored to your unique situation by a nationally known Expert. Unconditional money back guarantee. Let us do all the work. After evaluation we will prepare all letters, agreements and arguments for us to present in compliance with the best, most effective, practices and procedures for dealing with and eliminating credit report negative entries. We will also show you how to quickly add positive entries to make your score start a steady climb up to where you need to be for all the wonderful things excellent credit has to offer. Gain respect from lenders wherever you go for the rest of your life. Take an interesting and worthwhile journey towards that Excellent FICO credit will enjoy the process. You will receive a 2020 “Credit Repair Coach” book advance copy along with your individual plan and unlimited coaching help. With our explanations of the latest updates of laws and policies we can’t miss as we implement an action plan for fast and lasting progress in improving your credit score. Designed to carefully take you from beginner to advanced techniques, this book will be your credit repair bible as we work with and guide you on your very interesting journey to great credit. Get your free credit report evaluation and action plan. We’ll start right away. Let’s get started. We’re here to help you every step of the way on your journey to great credit.
Yours Truly, Edward F. St. Onge, founder, Credit Repair Coach